Stephen Hill Memorials


Update JULY 2022


We would like to reassure familes that we are still working to have memorials fitted as soon as possible but due to high demand, timeframes are slightly longer than usual.  We are still preferring for families to make an appointment before vsiting due to this but also to monitor the number of families at any given time.  Appointments will be offered Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm.  We are also able to offer consultations by telephone, WhatsApp/FaceTime call, email and post.


If you do visit us, we ask that you wear a face covering and use the hand sanitizer available .


Please telephone us on 024 7671 2323 or email for further information and advice.


Memorials available for immediate fixing

Owing to delays in obtaining memorials, we do have memorials available from the showroom which can be fixed in the cemetery once the permit has been approved by the Local Authority or Church.


Stay safe


Most of us, at some time in our lives, will have to make the choice of a suitable memorial which will honour the life of a loved one.  A headstone is far more than a stone; it is a history of past events; something to embody the personality, character, accomplishments and beliefs of someone special who has left us.


Stephen Hill Memorials is an independent family run business and has been providing quality hand crafted memorials for over 35 years. We understand that your choice is an important one, which is why we take great care to understand your needs and the emotions you will be feeling at this time. You should expect a personal service when it comes to choosing the memorial and you can be sure that we will take the greatest of care to give you the support and guidance you need.


We provide a range of services including:


  • Individual Churchyard and Cemetery designs
  • Hand cut lettering

  • Cremation Interment arrangements

  • Providing Temporary Crosses and Memorial Caskets




There are various regulations which may seem very daunting at such an emotional time depending upon which Church or Cemetery your memorial is to be erected. We will advise you of the requirements by the Church or Council as to the type of memorial permitted and also deal with the paperwork for you.


You are welcome to come and see us where you will see a vast display of differently shaped and sized memorials.




As time goes by, memorials may need some work to ensure they look as good as the day they were erected.  We are happy to assess your memorial for all kinds of work; re-gilding or re-enamelling inscriptions or designs, levelling, cleaning, re-polishing, adding to or changing inscriptions.  If your memorial becomes damaged, we can assess for repair advising you of the various options which are available.

Cremation sized Memorial with Mini Kerb and Granite Foundation

Cremation Casket

available in various sizes and designs

Churchyard style memorial in Dark Grey granite with 'rock pitched' sides

           Our address

Stephen Hill

Monumental Mason

186a Allesley Old Road



Email:Stephen Hill Memorials



024 7671 2323

024 7635 3979


Mobile number

07594 659253



In January 2017 we decided to close our Nuneaton office after being based there for 25 years. We are grateful to our customers from Nuneaton and surrounding villages for allowing us to help them during their difficult time choosing a memorial.  Our service to Nuneaton families still continues from our Coventry office, including new memorials, restoration work and adding inscriptions to existing memorials.

         Opening Times

Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm

by appointment

Please note we are closed between Christmas and New Year.


Advance payment Cash on delivery Cheques & Bank Transfer
Advance Payment, Cash, Cheques & Bank Transfer

Cheque, Bank transfer & Cash accepted (sorry no credit or debit cards)

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© Stephen Hill Monumental Mason