We often choose a particular Cemetery or Churchyard because of our family relationships with the village or town, now or in the past, or because other family members are resting there.
There are many Cemeteries and Churchyards, each Authority or Diocese having their own regulations depending upon whether the grave is for a burial or cremation. Once you are ready to choose a memorial, we will advise you on the current regulations and begin to put together a picture of the type of memorial you would like.
There are various ways in which we can assist with this to make your choice of memorial as simple as possible, for instance providing you with a sample of inscription ideas and printouts to show the chosen memorial to scale. We will complete all necessary forms for Church or Council and can even help you plan the interment of ashes to coincide with the memorial being erected if you wish. As a general guide, memorials can be erected on a burial plot as soon as eight months following a funeral although there are factors which may change this timescale; for instance the size of memorial. Memorials following an interment of ashes can be positioned immediately afterwards however.
A printout is often helpful to show you how your chosen inscription will look to make sure you are confident of the layout and wording. Designs can be added to the printout to symbolise a nationality, favourite hobby or flower. All printouts are to scale so that further names can be added to the memorial at a later date if you wish without causing too many complications or the expense of having memorials refaced or replaced.
For selections of memorials which you may find appropriate for your loved one, please see the memorial brochures page of the website or click on the required link below.
Memorial Brochures for a range of memorials suitable in a variety of Cemeteries
Children's Memorials for a range of memorials specifically for a Child's grave
Churchyard Memorials for a range of memorials suitable in a Churchyard